You have 24 hours from the time of purchase receipt to seek a return if you receive the incorrect item or if there is a real manufacturing issue.
Please contact us by phone at +91 8808312584 or by email at [email protected] to seek a return.
Quality Check: Our Quality Control staff thoroughly inspects your package before it leaves our wearhouse. We save the photos taken throughout the quality control process for a full day following the product’s delivery to you. Please get in touch with us within 24 hours of receiving the product if it is damaged.
After-Sales Services: Alankrit provides a variety of apparel and accessory after-sales services. Get in touch with us, and we’ll inspect your product and provide you advice on your alternatives.
Our products feature a margin of at least one inch for any fitment problems. As a result, you may easily change it. If you need an alteration, nevertheless, we can assist you with that at an extra cost for shipping and alteration. Please be aware that certain fixes can incur fees.
If you require further clarification, contact us at [email protected] or give us a call at +91 8808312584.